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Happy New Year Celebrations


We are celebrating a new year - 2022! This time every year, we take time to stop and look back on the year behind us. With lives as busy as ours, it is nice to take the time to pause and reflect and appreciate the people, moments, and memories that are so important to us and comprise how we view 2021.

It is with this appreciation that I create my art. It is quite ironic, really, that while I don’t often include images of people in my paintings, the subject matter is centered around people important in my life. The subject matter I paint - from food to forests, always has an undertone of a special time, memory, or shared experience with a loved one.

Many of you have joined me on my art journey this year. Thank you.

Through my art and the stories that accompany them, you probably got a sense of how I identify with the “big things,” by painting the “small things.” It is a personal reminder to not take these moments for granted - they pass by us so very quickly. Translating them through art is my way to capture these moments, celebrate them, and leave a visual legacy for those who share in the story.

My goal for 2022 is to continue on this path, to share the joys and special moments that many of you may experience as well. It is my hope that through my art, you also enjoy a sense of permanence of special times in your life.

Thank you for a wonderful 2021. To my current and new collectors, followers, and friends, thank you for your interest in my art. I am looking forward to sharing much more in the year to come!

Happy New Year!

Christa Amos

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“The little things? The little moments? They aren't little.

- Jon Kasbat Zinn

Subscribe to stay tuned about new collections for 2022...


Mark your calendars for upcoming shows in 2022...

The Academy of Notre Dame 49th Annual Fine Art Show & Sale Academy of Notre Dame

The Mansion

560 Sproul Road

Villanova, Pennsylvania January 29 - February 6, 2022

The Art Gallery at Devon

Devon Horse Show and County Fair Devon Horse Show Grounds, Devon, PA

May 26 - June 5, 2022




Website design by Christa Amos. ©2025 Christa Amos.  All rights reserved.
All images on this website copyright the art @Christa Amos Studio.  No reproducing any images without written consent.  All rights reserved.

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